Top Ten Of Cities For Landlord Investment
Over 800 landlords took part in a survey to find out what they consider to be the best regions and cities for landlord investment in properties during 2020.
The survey was carried out by a landlord insurance provider which found that landlords were extremely confident of London and Manchester outperforming other cities in the buy-to-let market.
The two cities together received more than a third of votes with 18% each when the landlords answered the question which city they felt offered the best BTL investment opportunity.
Manchester’s private rented sector owes its success to a large and sprawling student population, high employment and media scene; whereas London has the potential to offer capital growth because of the fall in property prices last year of 1.8%
The survey also reported that landlords are very hopeful of the buy-to-let sector’s prosperity continuing this year throughout the UK’s regions.
Birmingham and Liverpool came out joint second with the two cities each receiving 10% of votes from landlords looking at where their next BTL purchase could be made in 2020.
The top 10 of votes received for cities that landlords are considering to invest in for 2020 are:
1. London and Manchester (joint first)
2. Birmingham and Liverpool (joint second)
3. Edinburgh
4. Bristol
5. Leeds
6. Oxford
7. Glasgow
8. Cardiff
9. Southampton
10. Sheffield
A spokesperson for the insurance provider, said: “Buy-to-let landlords are crucial to the UK economy, contributing a combined £16.1bn through pre-tax spending.
“The sector also now houses 20% of British households and has a huge presence up and down the country, so it’s wholly encouraging that landlords view a broad spread of regions as attractive areas to invest this year.
“London usually comes out on top for being the most expensive city to invest in property in the UK, but falling house prices are making it an attractive place to invest once again.
“We know a quarter of landlords are planning to sell at least one property this year, largely due to government reform and tax changes, so it’s reassuring to see that landlords are still eying up investment opportunities up and down the country.”
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