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Seven most read pieces of advice we gave to members in 2017

With 2018 just around the corner, we are taking a look back at some of the most read Call of the Week’s and Forum Spotlights from the past twelve months.

From AST’s to EPC’s, to learning how to gain access with ease, our Landlord Advice Team have helped our members solve a broad range of queries over the last year, whether this be over the phone, on our forums or via our new live chat service.

So, are you interested to know what you would do if a tenant goes to prison? Or maybe you’re planning to redecorate in the New Year and want to know which paint other landlords would recommend using? Check out some of our most memorable landlord queries from 2017 below!

My tenant has gone to prison, what should I do?
Back in September, our received a query from a landlord who was keen to know how they could gain possession of their property after their tenant had been sent to prison. The trouble was, the landlord was unsure which prison the tenant was in.Find out how we helped here.

2. Call of the week- Gaining access for viewings without a tenants’ permission
Our Landlord Advice Team regularly receive calls from landlords relating to gaining access to a property without first gaining the permission of a tenant. A landlord must always seek permission from a tenant before showing a new tenant around their room, but what happens if this is just not possible? Here’s how we helped a member understand the principle of ‘quiet enjoyment’

3. One of my tenants has moved their partner in permanently without my permission, and I am very concerned that I am now in breach of my license conditions.
Our forum is a great place for landlords to share their experiences with one another, to help solve queries. Our Landlord Advice Team are also on hand to answer questions on the forum, if requested by the question poster. In this particular forum post, a landlord asked a question that often pops up on our forum. Read how some of our members and an advisor from our advice team helped this landlord out.

4. Fireworks and antisocial behavior.
In November, a landlord contacted us to ask for advice about dealing with one of the worst cases of antisocial behaviour our Landlord Advice Team had heard in a while.  New for 2018, the RLA has launched an online antisocial behaviour course.  Find out what happened and how we helped.

5. Call of the Week – deposit management.
Our landlord advice team frequently receive calls about deposits. From protecting them to giving them back, and everything in between, our team can help. The RLA has teamed up with TDS form the service DepositGuard, a free to join scheme for RLA members. Read about this particular deposit query here.

6. Section 21: The technical stuff
When the prescribed Section 21 notice for England in October 2015 was introduced, it caused a few headaches for some landlords who understandably were keen to learn what they should now be doing differently. It’s no suprise then, that this Call of the Week was one of the most read of 2017. Check it out here.

7. What is the best paint to use for my rental property?
New year, new paint job? Whatever time of year you chose to redecorate, it is important for landlords to keep up to date with what paint is hot (and what’s not!) in the eyes of prospective tenants. Fortunately, RLA members can buy paint at discounted rates with their FREE Tradepoint discount card. This particular query was from a landlord who wanted to learn from other landlords what type and colour paint they would recommend using. Our members were happy to share their thoughts. Check out their suggestions here.

Blog Post from Residential Landlords Association

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