Public money to pay deposits for some homeless renting privately
The government has announced that over £19.5m is to be spent on paying deposits or paying the first month’s rent for homeless people moving into the private rental sector.
Councils will use the funding boost to help vulnerable people secure their own tenancy through support such as, paying deposits or putting down the first months’ rent.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government says this will give the homeless an opportunity to make a home in a property they may otherwise not have been able to access.
This funding forms part of the £100m Rough Sleeping Strategy which the government claims will “end rough sleeping for good.”
Housing minister Heather Wheeler says: “I want everyone to have the security, dignity and opportunities they need to build a better life – at the heart of which is ensuring everyone can find a safe and secure home to call their own.
“This funding will make a huge difference in opening up the private rented sector to people who need it and give them the chance to rebuild their lives.”
The government says that, additionally, local authorities can also bid for a share of up to £26m of Rapid Rehousing Pathway funding for 2019 to 2020.
It says this extra investment can be used to fund innovative local schemes which help those sleeping rough and struggling with mental health problems or substance misuse issues.
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