Legislation for minimum energy performance certificate
MPs have backed a proposed Bill that could see all domestic properties bought up to a minimum energy performance certificate (EPC) rating of C by 2035.
Sir David Amess, Conservative MP for Southend West, proposed the Domestic Properties (minimum energy performance certificate) Bill during a Ten Minute Rule Motion yesterday.
Such a move would bring greater requirements than those being introduced for landlords in April when all buy-to-let properties must have a minimum minimum energy performance certificate rating of E, and could eventually lead to agents having to police EPCs on homes for sale if it becomes law.
Amess said he wanted to close a loophole on the Warm Homes and Energy Conservation Act that he had helped introduce in 2000 to promote energy efficiency measures such as insulation in domestic properties.
He claimed that in 2009 the then Labour Government used wording in the Act that said measures should be “as far as reasonably sensible” to abandon their commitments.
He added that it was “Dickensian” that elderly people were now living in just the one room that they could afford to heat.
Instead, he said, all those living in fuel poverty – defined as households paying above the average energy costs who would be pushed below the poverty line by paying their bills – should have support to bring their homes to an EPC rating of C by 2030.
All homes, except where it is prohibitively expensive such as in stately manors, should also be helped to reach this target by 2035, he said.
Amess said the energy sector should be encouraged by Government to come up with innovative solutions to support this. It isn’t clear if there would be any penalties for non-compliance by households.
MPs backed the motion unanimously and it will have a second reading on March 16.
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