Landlords Warned Against Pet Owning Tenants
A trade body of inventory clerks is warning agents and landlords that they should seriously consider whether it is in their own interests to rent out a property to pet owning tenants; if so they must take adequate precautionary measures to fully protect their investment.
The association believes that because longer tenancies are becoming the norm, many renters will be in a position to have pets.
A spokesperson for the association, said:”It’s clear that the number of long-term lifestyle renters is rising. And this means that more tenants will want to keep pets and therefore be on the lookout for a property which they can truly call home for a prolonged period.”
He added:”It therefore comes as no surprise if more landlords decide to let to tenants with pets as it will widen their pool of prospective renters in an increasingly competitive market.”
The trade body is strongly advising both agents and landlords to properly cover themselves against any damage that could be caused by pets. They should take out a very comprehensive insurance policy, increase the property’s damage deposit and it would be very worthwhile for a third party to undertake an independent inventory.
He said:”Furry friends can undoubtedly cause more damage to a property, not to mention additional odours and mess.
“Therefore, more comprehensive landlord insurance can provide the required cover and peace of mind should an incident occur at the property, while a higher deposit will help to ensure that tenants are committed to maintaining the property.”
He further warns agents and landlords that deposits will be capped from next spring, so there could major problems when wishing to charge a higher damage deposit.
The spokesperson finished by suggesting: “Independent inventories, which detail a property’s condition at the start and end of a rental contract, provide landlords and agents with peace of mind and protect tenants from unreasonable deductions at the end of a tenancy.”
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