Licensing Consultations Central Housing Group

Landlords To Have Say On Licensing Consultations

With several licensing consultations currently being run by local authorities across the country, the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) is encouraging buy-to-let landlords and letting agents to offer their views.

Coventry Council, Hounslow Council and Waltham Forest Borough Council are among the local authorities holding ongoing licensing consultations at the moment.

The RLA offers the following information:

Hounslow Council

Hounslow Council’s additional licensing scheme is due to expire in May 2019. The Council has launched a consultation on whether the scheme should be extended for another five years.

The proposed scheme will apply to shared HMOs with three or more persons.  The consultation runs until 3rd April 2019 and landlords can have their say on the plans on the council’s website here.

Waltham Forest Borough Council

The Council is consulting about proposals to designate the borough, or a large part of it, as subject to two licensing schemes, under Parts 2 and 3 of the Housing Act 2004, with effect from 1st April 2020. The consultation closes on 29th April 2019 and you can have your say here.

Coventry Council

Coventry Borough Council is currently running a consultation on plans to introduce a large proposed licensing scheme in the city. If the scheme goes ahead, it will impact 37 locations and affect over 9,000 properties. The consultation closes on 20th March 2019, and you can read more about the proposals and have your say on the council’s website here.

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