Landlord Licensing Scheme London Consultation
Consultation is underway to extend a landlord licensing scheme in a London borough where a third of households rents privately.
Three types of landlord licensing scheme already operate in Brent: mandatory, additional and selective licensing.
Now people are being asked whether they are in favour of renewing the selective licensing scheme in three areas, and about renewing the additional licensing scheme for HMOs, and about extending the selective licensing scheme to other wards in the borough.
“A third of people in Brent rent in the private sector; whilst most landlords provide safe and decent homes, sadly that isn’t always the case” says a spokeswoman for the council.
“Licensing has helped keep renters safe. Since we introduced landlord licensing in 2015, we’ve driven up housing standards, reduced overcrowding and tackled anti-social behaviour. Where landlords have fallen short, we have been relentless in taking action and will not hesitate to throw the full-force of the law at rogue landlords” she adds.
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