Increase In Rental Sector Licensing Regimes
More local authorities have announced that they want to increase the size of the areas covered by their existing selective Rental Sector Licensing Regimes.
In London the Waltham Forest council is now consulting on proposals; it calls its existing licensing system the most effective means to “regulate [private rented properties’] condition, management and occupation and to help tackle anti-social behaviour associated with private rented properties.”
The existing selective Rental Sector Licensing Regimes ends next year; you can find its consultation on the new scheme here.
Weymouth and Portland council has begun its consultation on new licensing too – it wants to include the Melcombe Regis ward “because it was ranked within the 10 per cent most deprived neighbourhoods in the country according to Public Health England data.”
This council, too, says that such a scheme will “reduce deprivation, crime and anti-social behaviour in the area, by ensuring that all privately rented properties are well managed and provide safe and secure homes for tenants.”
Meanwhile in Thurrock there will be new selective licensing from later this year.
The council’s cabinet has approved plans to introduce additional licensing to specific parts of the borough where there are higher numbers of private landlords renting HMOs.
Under the new regulations, landlords will have to comply with national health and safety standards and local criteria before a five-year licence is granted.
The council says this will complement UK-wide mandatory licensing and assist the council in improving tenancy relations and preventing illegal evictions.
The introduction of the licence follows an 11-week public consultation launched in July last year, which asked landlords, letting agents, tenants, residents and businesses for their views on the proposals.
Figures revealed that 73 per cent of respondents strongly supported the introduction of the scheme; 83 per cent felt it would help poor performing HMO landlords raise their standards and 82 per cent believed it would improve health and safety for tenants.
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