Council refused permission to appeal Broadley case
The Supreme Court has refused Leeds City Council permission to appeal the Broadley case decision ruling in favour of landlords, following a protracted battle over council tax payments.
The case of Leeds City Council v Broadley centred around the question of who is responsible for paying the council tax on a property if the tenant moves out, but a contractual periodic tenancy agreement is still in place – the tenant or the landlord?
Leeds City Council had demanded council tax for five properties from landlord Stephen Broadley, for periods when the homes were empty but the tenancies had not been formally ended by either party.
What followed was a two-and-a-half year legal battle, with the RLA intervening after Leeds Council announced it would appeal a High Court ruling finding in favour of Mr Broadley.
In November the Appeal Court upheld the previous rulings, that landlords are not responsible for paying council tax on a property when a tenant moves out before their tenancy agreement has expired.
Despite this Leeds took the case to the Supreme Court, where they were refused permission for a further appeal, on the grounds that the application did not raise an arguable point of law.
To read more about the case click here.
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