Anti-Landlord Campaign CHG

Anti-Landlord Campaign As Chiefs Lock Horns

NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle has called for pragmatism and unity in response to Shelter’s new anti-landlord campaign.

The charity warns that Michael Gove risks passing a weak Renters Reform Bill because of a landlord lobby and is urging members to email the Housing Secretary telling him not to listen to those in the sector.

Shelter’s chief executive Polly Neate says: “The anti-landlord campaign will help us stop landlords, MPs and – most urgently – some people who are both, from watering down the Renters Reform Bill. Show them we know what they’re up to and we want a bill that gives renters decent rights at last.”

Watering down

The NRLA’s Beadle insists that this is certainly not his intention. He explains: “Far from watering it down we are seeking to improve it – and protect the sector, including renters, from the damaging consequences of getting it wrong and worsening the crisis we are in. Time for pragmatism and unity, not division please.”

Shelter says the bill is already being disrupted by landlord MPs “throwing their toys out of the pram”.

It adds: “If Michael Gove appeases their self-interested demands, he risks passing a watered-down law that doesn’t give renters the rights they desperately need. It’s his job to make sure they know this isn’t all about them.

“We’re still waiting for reform while self-interested landlords demand unreasonable concessions. Together, we can challenge their voices.”

Shelter is urging the government to pass a watertight bill without caveats or loopholes. To date, 3,039 people have responded to its campaign and sent emails; the charity aims to reach a target of 5,000.

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