Treasury urged to stop landlords raising rents to cope with tax changes
Labour’s shadow housing spokesman has urged the Government to detail how it will stop landlords raising rents to offset changes to buy-to-let taxation.
Mortgage interest relief changes being introduced next April will change the way landlord profits are taxed, and many reports and surveys have found that rents will increase to cope with the rising costs.
But Lord Beecham wants to ensure this doesn’t happen.
He has tabled a written question to the Treasury in Parliament: “To ask Her Majesty’s Government whether they intend to introduce plans to prevent landlords of residential properties from recouping the cost of changes to the taxation of rents of such properties which will come into force next year; and if so, how.”
The Treasury is yet to respond but we are not sure landlords will welcome the Government monitoring the rents they charge and how that would even work in practical terms.
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