The search is on to find the Landlord Of The Year
A quest has started to find the UK’s Landlord Of The Year who goes the extra mile to ensure tenants receive the ultimate service.
The title Landlord Of The Year will be awarded by home insurance provider HomeProtect, which is organising the search.
The firm says that with five million homes in the private rental sector – and with the tenure expected to form 25 per cent of housing by 2025 – it is more important than ever to reward those landlords who provide a great service to their tenants.
Tenants and lodgers will be asked to nominate their favourite landlord by answering a short series of questions to express why they feel that particular landlord stands out from the rest and is a deserved winner.
“Landlords often get a bad rap, but there are many out there who do a fantastic job for their tenants, and we want to highlight and commend them. We are very excited to start our search and can’t wait to receive the first nominations” explains Mark Eastham, chief executive of HomeProtect.
The awards are open to all UK landlords who own a home they rent to tenants. To nominate please visit www.landlordawards.com.
The deadline for applications is midnight on March 31; then a panel of judges from HomeProtect and Landlord Today (the sister publication of Letting Agent Today) will produce a 10-person shortlist before announcing the overall winner on April 16.
Full terms and conditions can be found here.
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