Survey Of Landlords Reveals Patchy EPC Awareness
A new survey of landlords has revealed a patchy record of awareness of new energy efficiency regulations for the rental sector.
The survey, by Market Financial Solutions, is relatively small – just 459 landlords – but it shows that just 58 per cent of landlords are aware of the new EPC rules coming into effect from 2025 and just 38 per cent saying they now of the details.
Two thirds say they need more support to help them adapt to the new regulations and 52 per cent are considering increasing rents to pay for energy efficiency upgrades.
From April 2025, any newly let property in the private rental sector will need an energy performance certificate of C or higher, up from E currently.
But there is support for the changes. Some 56 per cent of landlords say the sustainability of their properties is important to them irrespective of changing EPC regulations, and almost half feel the government is right to take action to improve the energy efficiency of rental properties.
Paresh Raja, the MFS chief executive, says: “Despite there being support for making the property market greener, there remains a worrying lack of awareness among landlords about the upcoming changes to EPC regulations, not to mention how they can make the necessary renovations. With the deadline for the new regulations just over two years away, it’s clear more support is needed.
“Lenders can help. By working with brokers and property investors, lenders can ensure more landlords know what the new rules entail.
“But they can also provide flexible financial products, which will likely prove important – in the current climate, many landlords will not have the capital available to make the changes their properties need, so flexible loans could be crucial in allowing landlords to keep pace with a quickly changing regulatory landscape.”
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