Residential Landlords Association meets with housing minister
The Residential Landlords Association has met with housing minister Alok Sharma to discuss issues affecting the Property Redress Scheme and to press for greater support for landlords.
Residential Landlords Association chairman Alan Ward was invited to meet the minister with conversation centring around issues of affordability and supply and the personal consequences of changes in tenancies.
Mr Ward also pressed the minister to act as an advocate for the Property Redress Scheme and support the individual investors who are vital when it comes to providing diversity and choice, compared to institutional investors who have so far failed to provide in both volume and choice of location.
He said: “It was a very constructive meeting and a great opportunity to put our members’ views and experiences to the minister.
“Mr Sharma has now invited us to meet regularly to further discuss housing issues.”
The Residential Landlords Association was joined at the meeting by representatives of other industry bodies, Propertymark, ARLA and NAEA, together with NLA and NALS.
Written by Sally Walmsley
Blog Post from Residential Landlords Association
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