Prime Minster gives landlords 12 months more to complete Green Homes Grant work
Boris Johnson has extended his government’s Green Homes Grant scheme for a further 12 months after complaints in recent weeks that a lack of Trustmark qualified builders meant completing projects by the original deadline of March next year would be difficult.
In some areas of the UK, landlords seeking Trustmark-registered builders have faced long waits to start work as qualified tradespeople have become booked up far in advance.
Instead, the Prime Minister has said today that home owners and landlords will have until March 2022 to get their projects completed through the Green Homes Grant voucher scheme, which was originally announced in September.
But although landlords now have more time to get the builders in, the original budget has not been extended, remaining at £1.5 billion with a cap of 600,000 properties.
The scheme funds up to two-thirds of the cost of property improvements with a cap of £5,000.
Work covered by the scheme includes insulation of walls, floors and roofs, upgrading single window glazing to triple, and installing low-carbon heating systems such as heat pumps.
The announcement was made by Johnson today during his ‘Ten point plan for a green industry revolution’ presentation.
“The Green Homes Grant scheme gives homeowners and landlords right across the country a cheaper way to make their homes more energy efficient and cut their bills – all while making their contribution to tackling climate change,” says climate change minister Lord Callanan.
“Today’s announcement means an extra year to take advantage of this new scheme, helping households and tradespeople who can plan their workload and create new jobs in their communities.”
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