Peers call for tax relief for rental home improvements

RLA welcomes recognition of support for landlords to invest in raising standard of housing for tenants.

Landlords are welcoming calls today by a parliamentary committee for tax incentives for private landlords to improve the quality of their property.

The recommendation is made by a House of Lords committee looking at the regeneration of seaside towns and communities.

Following evidence provided by the Residential Landlords Association (RLA), the Committee’s report published today recommends: “The introduction of stronger incentives for private landlords to improve the quality and design of their properties… This might include tax relief for making improvements to properties.”

John Stewart, RLA Policy Manager, said: “We welcome the recognition this report gives to supporting landlords to invest in raising the standard of housing for their tenants. We call on the government to accept this proposal.”

The RLA has long argued that the government should use taxation more positively to support the vast majority of landlords who do a good job and seek to do the best for their tenants.

This has included the RLA’s call to make tax deductible any work a landlord carries out that is recommended on an Energy Performance Certificate to improve the energy efficiency of rented homes.

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