NRLA win on energy efficiency grants

Landlords are today welcoming news the Government has accepted its recommendations on how the new Green Homes Grant scheme should work.

The NRLA has long campaigned for support for landlords to improve the energy efficiency of their homes – which will benefit tenants through lower utility bills.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced plans, which will see the Government provide at least two-thirds of the cost of energy efficiency improvement works in his Summer Statement.

Landlords will be able to claim up to £5,000 per rental property.

The association wrote to the government in the wake of the announcement, outlining ways it believed the scheme should operate to best benefit landlords and tenants.

It has now been confirmed that energy efficiency work, funded through government grants must be carried out by TrustMark qualified engineers, in line with NRLA recommendations.

The detailed guidance also stressed the range of measures covered by the scheme should be comprehensive, which was also flagged by the NRLA.

The Government’s plans say that energy efficiency works should include some element of insulation or low carbon heat installation to qualify for the subsidy, which can then also be used to fund a range of other measures such as draught proofing, replacing windows or doors and installing heat controls.

The Government has also confirmed today that vouchers will be available from September – although has yet to detail exactly how landlords apply for the funding.

NRLA policy director Chris Norris said: “Today’s announcement is good news for landlords and tenants, and demonstrates what can be achieved when the Government works constructively with landlords.

“Energy efficient homes are clearly important to improving health, reducing household bills and meeting the Government’s ambitions around carbon reduction.

“We welcome the clarity around what measures will be included as part of the Green Homes Grant scheme and encourage landlords to make use of this important initiative when it opens.”

The NRLA is still awaiting further detail as to how landlords apply for grants, but would advise members to start the process now by getting an early assessment to identify their needs and the options open to them.

The association is currently talking to the government to produce a guide on how to access the new grants which will be uploaded to the website.

Blog Post from NRLA

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