New EPC laws should be publicised by industry and government, insists expert
A national awareness campaign is required to help landlords get to grip with new Energy Performance Certificate legislation.
That’s the view of respected property expert Kate Faulkner who makes the claim in areport commissioned by the TDS Charitable Foundation.
Faulkner says the government, industry and media should work together to educate landlords on their EPC responsibilities.
The report – Communicating new EPC rules to landlords and tenants, -is the 12th and final instalment in a series funded by the TDS Charitable Foundation, designed to raise standards and educate the private rented sector.
“Despite a flurry of publicity and interest before the EPC regulations came into force, many landlords and letting agents are still unaware of the law” claims Faulkner.
“The new rules and their aim to increase the energy efficiency of rental properties is undoubtedly positive, but for some landlords, their introduction has been seen as another legal hoop they have to jump through.
“Clearer explanations of what is required of landlords, and what energy-saving changes they can adopt to make their properties as energy efficient as possible, would certainly go a long way to help landlords to understand and comply with EPC regulations.
“As well as complying with legal requirements, landlords can use the energy efficiency of their property, as a marketing tool to stand out from the crowded rental market.
“Landlords who don’t comply with the regulations may face penalties of up to £5,000, so it pays to understand your legal responsibilities. That said, more could be done to simply and concisely communicate what practical steps will help landlords make the necessary changes, and for tenants to identify properties with compliant EPC ratings.”
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