Lib Dems Plot For Government To Fast Track Scrapping Of Section 21
The government put forward its Renters’ Rights Bill which will change the repossession process, introduce a ‘lifetime’s rental deposit’ and the biggest pledge of all scrapping the Section 21 notice.
But the latest housing minister Christopher Pincher has just recently intimated that the Bill may not be introduced into the House of Commons for debate until 2021.
As a ‘stop gap’ the government has introduced a number of temporary changes to the eviction court process following the ban on evictions coming to an end on August 23rd.
Unsurprisingly many anti section 21 politicians are outraged as Lib Dem Baroness Olly Grender has just invoked the little known and barely used Parliamentary procedure known as a “prayer against.”
It attempts to stop the new rules added to the eviction processes to help cope with the Covid-19 backlog.
Speaking to a national newspaper, Baroness Grender said of her tactic in the Lords: “This is the strongest opposition Parliament can take to the Civil Procedure Rules change – and we hope everyone will rally behind this. The Liberal Democrats will continue to hold this government to account and stand up for renters rights.
“Ministers have signed off for their summer holidays without so much as a backward glance at all the renters they have left in the lurch this summer … What the government should have done is fulfilled their election promise and scrapped no-fault evictions altogether, but instead they have just gone back to business as usual, allowing evictions of tenants with no explanation.
“The fact they snuck these rules out without guidance and without Parliamentary scrutiny demonstrates once again that for this government, renters will always be left behind.”
And now a second Baroness, Alicia Kennedy who is the director of Generation Rent, is also quoted in the same article saying: “These rules alone are worthless and will not help the vast majority of renters who are at risk of losing their home.
“Coronavirus has created a rent debt crisis, which is set to get worse as the furlough scheme is wound down. Renters who have been left out of government support schemes have now been left in the dark. The government must provide clarity on how renters affected by coronavirus will be protected from eviction and homelessness.”
Baroness Grender’s ‘game play’ forces the government to address the issue, however it is within a 40 day deadline, consequently it will not debated in Parliament until September by which time the court repossession cases will have already started.
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