Eviction And Mortgage Holiday Result Of Coronavirus
Eviction specialist Paul Shamplina says the government’s recent eviction and mortgage holiday measures have given landlords no option but to hunker down and work with tenants.
Paul Shamplina, the UK’s leading residential evictions expert and co-founder of Landlord Action, has called on landlords to work collaboratively with their tenants as the Coronavirus crisis intensifies.
His comments follow the government’s decision this week to bring forward emergency legislation to block landlords from evicting tenants who cannot pay their rent because of job losses or having to look after their children as a result of coronavirus.
The move, announced by Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick, revealed that new eviction attempts will be banned for three months to give hard-pressed workers in private and social accommodation breathing space during the economic crisis.
But, to make sure landlords do not suffer, Mr Jenrick also revealed that buy-to-let mortgages would also be covered by the 12-week payment break.
“These are unprecedented times and all landlords must now work collaboratively with their tenants to come to solutions to get us through this public health crisis and move forward after,” says Shamplina.
“The measures taken are right and fair; no one wants to see a tenant forced out of their home due to loss of income as a result of coronavirus, nor does anyone want to see landlords face unmanageable debts.
Tenant mediation
“With this in mind, we will shortly be launching a tenant mediation service which will involve Landlord Action working collaboratively with the Property Redress Scheme to offer support to both landlords and tenants to come to suitable arrangements for the future.
“We are awaiting confirmation from the government as to the details of the eviction and mortgage holiday, a possible verification process, and information on what will happen with current possession claims that are going through the court process.
“I would urge landlords to be as flexible as possible with tenants facing difficulties with their rent payments arising from the current situation.”
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